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Upcoming Shoots/ Matches

Best of the Best period!
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Would paper targets be 100 and 200 yards or just 100 yards. What paper targets would be used?

It can be cold Todd, but shooting from a heated shooting house is pretty nice! Smithmoor is the nicest range I’ve seen. Warm fires, propane heaters, hot home cooked meals and the coffee is on. Come on up!

I'm thinking it could be pretty cold in February in Carpenter Wyoming. Sounds like fun.

Same dates as the Arizona State Lever Action Championship.

Smithmoor Range in Carpenter, Wyoming will be hosting a match this coming February 15, 16&17. It is meant to be one day of bench, one day schuetzen style. Both of these are paper matches. Then one day of silhouette. All with a .22lr and all with a rifle of silhouette specs. The overall winner will have the distinction of being the Best of the Best! Entry fee will be $300. $100 goes to the range, 50% goes for the winner. 30% goes to second place and 20% goes to third place.

The shooting house is heated and has wind breaks along each side of the building so we can shoot in relative comfort. If you can get there we can shoot.

The match harkens back to when shooting was the national sport and winners were proud of their accomplishments. If you are interested contact Smithmoor Range and register. The handsome prize money and distinction of being the Best of the Best Riflemen in modern times will give you a legacy to pass to your heirs!

Initial interest appears strong and space is limited so sign up now. What else you doing in the middle of the winter?

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